health & safety


Health & Safety policy

General Statement
1.1)  The Company (Richardsons Domestic) acknowledges and accepts its legal responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and subcontractors working on its behalf.
1.2) The Company will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions so far as reasonably practicable.
1.3) The Company will encourage all employees to be actively involved in maintaining safe operating conditions and practices.
1.4) The Company will carry out a regular review of this policy to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained.

2.1) The Partners have overall responsibility for health and safety in the Company and will:
–          Ensure suitable financial provision is made for health and safety obligations
–          Provide appropriate information and instruction to employees
–          Ensure that health and safety issues are considered for the work undertaken
2.2) All employees shall at all times take responsible care of themselves and have due regard for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their work activities
As a small Company our health and safety arrangements are generally informal. However, health and safety is considered in all aspects of our work and documented where possible. The following outlines the principal ways which we implement health and safety:
3.1.)  Communication:
The content of this policy and rules specific to our type of work are drawn to the attention of our employees and subcontractors. Employees and subcontractors present their views on health and safety and proposed jobs.
3.2)  Training:
Employees are giving instruction appropriate to their responsibilities. Instruction is specifically provided for electrical safety, manual handling,  power tool safety further instruction to ensure health and safety will be provided when needed.
3.3)  Risk Assessment:
Risk assessments are carried out continuously by our employees throughout their work. Hazards are considered and work methods established to minimise the risk of injury to themselves and others affected by their work. If employees have insufficient knowledge about specific hazards they are advised to consult the health and safety officer/Manager. Risk assessments for common task will be provided to employees by the safety officer
3.4) Equipment:
All equipment is kept in good working order, taking in to account various factors, Statutory Testing, Type of equipment,   Amount of use and Consequences of failure
3.5) Personal protective Equipment:
Employees are provided with safety masks, first aid kits, surgical gloves, workman’s gloves, shoe covers, protective clothing, helmets, dust masks and are authorized to purchase any safety equipment which they feel is necessary.
3.6) Hazardous Substances
On the occasions where hazardous substances are used, the manufacturers instructions are followed and PPE worn where necessary.
3.7) Manual Handling
Manual handling risks are considered prior to each activity. The method of work is adapted to minimise manual handling risks wherever possible. Our employees are advised not to handle loads which they feel incapable of moving safely.
3.8) Public Safety.
The safety of the public is considered at all times and appropriate protective actions are taken.